Fleet size and characteristics

The fishing boats registered in the RR.NN.MM. and G.G. of the Circomare di Sciacca as of September 2016 are a total of 127. The fishing fleet operating in the Circomare of Sciacca, subdivided in relation to the tonnage expressed in GT (Grosse Tonnage) and to the engine power (referred to in Kw) is reported in the following table:

The fishing boats registered in the RR.NN.MM. and G.G. of the Harbour Office of Porto Empedocle as of September 2016 are 56 in total. The fishing fleet operating in the harbour office of Porto Empedocle, subdivided according to the tonnage expressed in GT (Grosse Tonnage) and to the engine power (referred to in Kw) is shown in the following table

The fishing boats of the port of Marinella di Selinunte (Castelvetrano) registered in the RR.NN.MM. and G.G. of the Mazara del Vallo Port Authority as of February 2016 are a total of 36, all of which are small-scale fishing boats. The fishing fleet operating in the Marinella di Selinunte (Castelvetrano) fishing grounds, subdivided according to tonnage expressed in GT (Grosse Tonnage) and engine power (referred to in kW) is shown in the following table: